Scientific poster as a tool for the promotion of library conferences and a modern form of scientific visualization


  • Barbara Krasińska Main Library, Pedagogical University of Cracow


computer graphics, scientific poster, poster, presentation of information technology, visualization,


Some of the main aeras where a (university) library has a chance to create a positive impact on its image in academia are: conferences (domestic and foreign), training courses and workshops. The success of such projects is determined by their informative value, but also by their formal and visual shape, including ways of presenting scientific information. This article describes one of today's popular forms of its visualization, which is a scientific poster. The specificity of the construction of the tool, that is the combination of text, graphics, and (in some cases) multimedia elements determines that in the current era of information "overload" the use of synthetic forms of presenting information is justified. Starting with the presentation of the first forms of posters, to their composition and construction, to a description of specificity of poster sessions, the author presents his own rules and guidelines by which to construct a graphically correct scientific poster, which can be used in the environment within and beyond the library. The article also contains a layout (a model by the author), which is intended to facilitate the planning and construction of this form of presenting information.


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How to Cite

Krasińska, B. (2016). Scientific poster as a tool for the promotion of library conferences and a modern form of scientific visualization. Library &Amp; Education, (9), 69–80. Retrieved from