Information and its role in the culture creating process


  • Daniel Ziarkowski Main Library, University of Szczecin


information, culture, library, information culture,


Information has always shaped the world and the idea of it. Ever since the first communication codes of different animal species emerged, and ultimately a human being developed. Certain behaviours exerted some influence on the behavior of others and gave each individual a prompted impulse, the signal for action, a cue to act and to create. The process of creation lies at the base of our culture, by some called ‘civilization’. This process could be likened to a body, where the veins pump the most important information to the tissues of the organism; Bad and destructive information deforms the organism and distorts the body's natural image. Good, i.e. constructive and creative information can reshape the body's image and give it a new better character. Hence the question of the cultural role of information.


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How to Cite

Ziarkowski, D. (2015). Information and its role in the culture creating process. Library &Amp; Education, (7), 125–131. Retrieved from



Educational activity in libraries