
The first conference Library in the educational area, which was organized in 2011, showed the need for exchange of views and experiences on the use of new communication technologies in work of a librarian. During the second conference in 2013 we exchanged experiences related to the directions of a development of the librarian 2.0 profession: his knowledge, skills and competences. In 2015 we want to undertake the theme of information design.

Information design (ID) is a field dealing with data or thought visualization, which allows some recipients to provide complex information in a way that allows its rapid assimilation and understanding. ID is a synonym for information architecture - discipline which, according to RS Wurman, is focused on organizing the patterns inherent in data, the creation of structures or information maps that facilitate the understanding of complicated and complex things, and allow others to find their own path to knowledge.

Well-designed information is characterized by: clarity and logic of the presentation, ease of understanding of the details in the whole context, the harmonious integration of visual means, when space, color, shape, contrast, size and style of text support each other, and none of the elements does not pretend to play an independent role. (K. Lenk)

Information design is an activity that we do every day when we communicate, write letters, edit documents, invitations, and even make a shopping list. Thanks to the development of information technology and software, PI has become a challenge which requires from the designer the knowledge and skills in many areas, including editing, graphics, communications, information systems, analytical thinking, creativity, research and testing. The aim of the designers is to facilitate customers the understanding of the content contained in communication. It is particularly important in the library because it affects the quality of its service. Whenever we provide information, we develop collections, we prepare exhibitions, leaflets, brochures, posters, websites, reports, thematic statements, training materials, statistics etc. - we design information.

The Main Library of PU  Cracow 2015