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Main page >> Guidelines for authors of papers

Guidelines for authors of papers

The volume of the full text of the paper - up to 12 A4 pages.

Manuscript - computer printout, one-sided, with no deletions and amendments. In the left margin of the text, please mark placement of tables, figures, graphs, etc. Pages should be numbered continuously.

The text stored on a floppy disk or CD-ROM can not be different from the content provided manuscript. In the case of collective works all articles should be written on one medium (CD).

Basic text submitted in Microsoft Word, the width of 13 cm, the primary typeface Times New Roman, font size 12 pt., line spacing - 1.5 line without hyphenation, without distinctions and automatic calculations.

Footnotes inserted automatically by "insert footnote" with no extra spaces. It should be a uniform form of writing in books.

Literature. Alphabetical order, the items according to the following formula:
- name and initials of the author;
- title and subtitle highlighted in italics;
- publisher's address (place and year of publication);
An article should include:
- name and initials of the author;
- title highlighted in italics;
- title of the journal in quotation marks;
- year of publication;
- number of volume or notebook, preceded by the abbreviation.

Quotations should be accompanied by bibliographical information in the main text (in parentheses - author, year of publication, page) or as a reference (author, title, place and year of publication, page). Drawings, diagrams, drawings etc., please adjust the column size 13x19 cm. Descriptions of the graphs should be proportional to the size of a drawing.

Tables, figures, diagrams, drawings, graphs etc. should be attached in separate files. Vector format CDR, EPS, bitmap should be in TIFF or JPG. Font size within a table should be 10 points.

Photographs should be technically impeccable, clean, clear, high-contrast, numbered on the back in pencil. Scans and digital photos should be in TIFF or JPG, stored on CD or floppy disk.

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The Main Library of Pedagogical University  Cracow 2012-2013